Free Quarterly Newsletter


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People love it because it’s brief.  And it only comes once a quarter – promise!

People also love it because it helps them stay in touch with me in a gentle way.

They like hearing what I’m doing – with what amazing, inspiring clients I’ve been lucky enough to work with lately.  Plus what I’m thinking and writing – and where I’ve been traveling – recently.

To see past newsletters, click here.


“Great newsletter. Well-written, concise, with value. Good job!”

– Martin Sussman, Cambridge Institute for Better Vision

“I get lots of newsletters from a lot of different people. Some I read and some I just don’t take the time to anymore. Yours I always look forward to and welcome. It’s interesting, has valuable information, the format isn’t overwhelming and is on point. Thanks for taking the time to put it together and sharing.”

– Gil Williams, Principal, Rheault-Williams Consulting