Board Roles to Board Goals: Creating an Annual Board Workplan


Board Roles to Board Goals:
Creating an Annual Board Workplan.
By Jay W. Vogt

If you’re a nonprofit Board Chair, you need this book!

The Board Roles to Board Goals process is an easy way to get to consensus on your most important governance roles, to set goals to fulfill those roles, and to create committees and work plans to achieve those goals.

Once you have that, your job is easy – or at least manageable!

Using this workbook, you (or your designated facilitator) can lead your board through a two-hour, step-by step workshop that mobilizes board talent, fosters collaboration toward shared goals, and refocuses the board on governing rather than managing.

The Board Roles to Board Goals process begins with your commitment to be a more effective board, and your willingness to measure your effectiveness by setting board goals – linked to board roles – in an annual Board Workplan.  Once you complete this process for the first time (without any further training or consultant fees), you can update it again quickly every year.

“This is a great process.  We really enjoyed it, and learned a lot.” – Vice President of Development; Regional Chamber of Commerce

“The feedback from the board has been overwhelmingly positive.” – Executive Director, Charter Public School
